Превод текста

NF - All I Have Превод текста

Sve što imam

Sve što sam ikada želeo je neko da me čuje
I sve što sam ikada želeo je neko da me oseti
I svi žele da mi kažu da nisam normalan
Kada sam na mikrofonu to je u redu ali to me ne plaši
Prošlo je dosta vremena ali sada sam se vratio
Rep grupo dobrodošla u rep kuću
Rep grupa će živeti dok se ne onesvestim, onesvestim, onesvestim
Svi se pitaju da li i dalje repujem
Jeste li ozbiljni? Da li iko čuje ovo?
Hej ušao sam u ovu igru kao tekstopisac
i napustiću je tako . Period
Vi šmrćete linije, ja zapisujem redove, sada ste ušli u moj um
i bolje da se pripremite jer možda shvatite
ja sam sa drugačijeg mesta i moja vrsta
je malo drugačija od tvoje
Prestanite da hrčite hip hop nije mrtav
Samo je bio u žalosti od momenta kada sam prestao da snimam
Brzo, snimi ovo!
Slušajte, zagrevam se i pogrešno ste informisani ako
mislite da isklizavam, ovo nije bolesno dovoljno, onda ću preskočiti stih
Bio sam ovde, zar niko nije čuo za mene?
Yeah pretvaram ovu numeru u scenu ubistva
Ne živim za svet
Živim za kralja, živim za kralja, fokusirajte se
Napisao sam ovo sa osećanjima
Teško je odmoriti se kada vrata nisu otvorena
Teško je opaliti hitac kada pištolj nije napunjen
I teško je živeti kada niko ne želi da primeti. Zadrži
Šta, jesam li lud možda? Obično lud
Stavili ste me u sobu sa mikrofonom, nećete me zadržati
Vi radite šta želite ali nećete me zadržati
Lenji! To nije moja karakterna osobina. Ne čekajte u red
Ovo je trenutno moje mentalno stanje
Ne govorite mi da ovo nije stvarno
Ne gpvorite mi da ovo nije onako kako osećam
Ovo je sve što imam. Sve što imam
Sve što sam ikada želeo je neko da razume ovo
Sve što sam ikada želeo je neko da svira ovo
Uzme moju pesmu, stave je na njihovu playlistu i naježe se svaki put kad je čuju
Ocenite nas
Ako je to moje zvanje ili ne otac, možda ne trebam ni da se mučim
Vratite se na to 9 do 5 ali ja nisam onaj koji odustaje zato odustanite od toga
Nikada nisam bio ubica ali garantujem da ubijem numere (razbijam numere)
Stavite ih u sanduk,
Pocivao u miru pokušaj da imate uticaj u repu , jel to ludo? Pretpostavljam da da
Bolje mi dajte tu olovku
I nikada nećeš uspeti, sve je to bolesno
Ja sam na mestu na kojem ne mogu da odustanem. Ah
I dalje imam posao i radim ovo
I jel znati svi vi šta je glupo?
Mislio sam da sve što vi treba da dobijete je ugovor i vaše stvari počinju da se kreću
Ali to nije slučaj jer često veći deo umetnika za koje čujete
vi mislite da je taj umetnik nov ali taj umetnik je verovatno u tome godinama
Yeah. U pozadini razmišljam
da li uzalud trošim svoje vreme sanjajući
I nemam novac u novčaniku ali garanujem da ne postoji šansa da odustanem od ovoga
Trebam ovo. Kunem se svima vama da trebam ovo.
I ovaj hip hop je u mojim venama, ako me isećete iskrvariću ga
I dali vi mislite da ja pišem rep bez razloga, ne
Uzmem moju bol i stavim je u pesmu sve od kad su pilule uzele moju majku
Bio sam drugačija osoba. Nemojte pokušavati da predvidite moje stihove
Ovo što čujete je moje bilo da sam ispred ili iza zavese
Stojim iza ovih reči. Hrišćanin sam ali nisam savršen
Nemoj da mi govoriš da se smirim. Smiren sam sada, slušaj ja samo radim
Možda potraje minut dok shvatiš ali kada jednom shvatiš sve će ti biti kristalno jasno
Mislim da oni ne vide moju viziju ovde. Mislim da oni ne vide moju viziju ovde!
Ne govorite mi da ovo nije stvarno
Ne gpvorite mi da ovo nije onako kako osećam
Ovo je sve što imam. Sve što imam (x3)
Sve što imam
Ne govorite mi da ovo nije stvarno (ovo nije stvarno, ovo nije stvarno)
Ovo je sve što imam. Ovo je sve što imam

Још текстова песама из овог уметника: NF

Сви текстови песама на овој веб локацији су само за личну и образовну употребу.

Сви текстови песама су власништво и ауторска права њихових власника или власника.

Више лирицс транслатионс


You'll See Me Return

When the sun will be bright
inside the mountains and hills,
in the silence of the evening
you'll remember me.

But if you'll call my name,
you'll see me return.

And you'll have for company
a crowd of thoughts
and your lips will be silent
if it does not speak to your heart.

But if you'll call my name,
I'll return.

From life, I want to have
five things to remember,
they are (five) five (five) you,
you, you, you, you, you.

(When the sun will be bright
inside the mountains and hills,
in the silence of the evening
you'll remember me.)

But if you'll call my name,
I'll return.

From life, I want to have
five things to remember,
they are (five) five (five) you,
you, you, you, you, you.

When the sun will be bright
inside the mountains and hills,
in the silence of the evening
you'll remember me.

But if you'll call my name,
I'll return to you!



I want to be in the light of the sun
Without the sun I will die
It seems like spring has arrived
The sky is pretty nice and bright

A sign that spring has come
It will embrace you
The pollen is a bit annoying
But I guess I'll wait and see

Something very nice is gonna come your way
Let's sing it

Take a look outside the window
Enjoy the exercise in the park
Ignore the sun indoors
But is that really okay?

Or, you could step outside
Breathe in the sun and feel so alive
The sky is pretty nice and bright

A sign that spring has come
It will embrace you
The pollen is a bit annoying
But I guess I'll wait and see

A sign that spring has come
It will embrace you
The pollen is a bit annoying
But I guess I'll wait and see

And then we just sit still
In this field of grass until summer
Because I wanna go back
To the very last year of high school

So much pain
So much strain

But still

I had friends who made me feel
The way I'll never feel

Ever again

Life was worth living
With the people who are now all gone



'Teresinella, Teresinella
Lower your braids, so I may climb up'

Why don’t serenades return again
Those of my grandfather’s day, long past
When, crazy in love with his fair dame
Through these ancient streets he’d sigh:
“Teresinella, Teresinella
Lower your braids, so I may climb up”

Tonight, your streets, old neighborhood
Will listen to a new troubadour
Who sings of Ladies and golden braids
Silken ladders, swords, and knights:
“Teresinella, Teresinella
Lower your braids, so I may climb up”

Now that braids are no longer in fashion
And there’s no balcony to keep lovers apart
The people of the quarter think and believe
The serenader drinks and perhaps goes too far
“Teresinella, Teresinella
Lower your braids, so I may climb up”

Now, if she who loves me with a pale kind of love
Might be behind the balcony listening
She’d think: “But if there’s an elevator
Why does he shout so much? He can come up!”
“Teresinella, Teresinella
You are not the one I want for myself
Golden braids are no longer true
And the troubadour does not sing for you”

The dream fades, and the moon departs
Disappointed, the minstrel drifts away
And the echo carries the song to the wind
The dream fades, and the moon departs:
“Teresinella, Teresinella
Lower your braids, so I may climb up”


Deep Sea

It's getting easier
It's getting fuller
Where are you going? Where are you heading?

Where are you going?

When your heart feels like it's about to burst

Just quietly open your eyes
Let's go somewhere right now

To that secret place

Between you and me

Every time I stand up, I'm knocked down
What I want is a soothing rock sound
My emotions are up, down, up, down
My emotions are shut down, shut down

It's all over if people's morals disappear
Will it be okay if I try my best?
You'll have to watch to find out!